What's Inspected
EXTERIOR Evaluation for home and/or other building
- Electrical receptors, lights and ground fault circuit interrupters
- Condition of roof construction and style of covering: asphalt shingles, clay, or other
- Flashing, gutters and downspouts. Soffit and Fascia
- Chimneys, skylights, exhaust fans and plumbing stacks
- Doors, windows and trim. Furnace, dryer and bathroom vents
- Condition and type of siding. Foundation appearance
- Landscaping, elevation, grade and drainage
- Driveway, sidewalks and steps
- The complete structure of decks, carports, retaining walls, fencing, stairs and railings
INTERIOR Evaluation for home and/or other building
Throughout your interior evaluation the use of an Infrared (Thermal Imaging) Camera will prove to be a very beneficial tool. Begin Inspections provides an advanced, non-invasive technology that allows us to show you more than a traditional home inspection could. The Infrared Camera can detect hidden issues behind your walls that are not visible to the naked eye. You may have excess moisture (mold), energy loss due to poor or old insulation and the lack of sealant around frames & electrical outlets (inefficient and higher energy costs), heat from electrical faults (could lead to a potential fire hazard), structural defects and more. Seeing for yourself can either reassure you or allow for a more informed decision on the corrective actions you might need to take with the house or building you presently have an interest in.
Thermal Imaging and Visual Inspection
Walls and Insulation
- Visual condition of wall surfaces; paint, wallpaper or other coverings
- Condition of doors, windows, their trim and seals for heat loss
- Thermal imaging of the walls and ceilings to see if there is a lack of insulation or possible moisture penetration
- Check the vapour barrier where ever possible
Thermal Imaging – Electrical
- Thermal images of breakers within the panel and electric receptacles to check for hot spots
- Service entrance, service panel and meter box
- Age, type and grounding of wires
- Ground fault circuit interrupters
- Visual condition of lights, receptacles, switch and cover plates
Thermal Imaging – Plumbing
- Identification and condition of pipe materials used for potable, drain, waste or venting purposes
- Hot water tank, age and condition
- Visual condition of toilets, showers, sinks, faucets and traps.
***This does not include a sewer inspection.
Attic and Roofs
- Insulation and proper ventilation
- Inspect for baffles at the soffits
- Identify and inspect all exhaust vents and plumbing stacks
Thermal Imaging – Heating and Cooling
- Energy source (gas, oil or propane) and heating system type. Adequate air supply, condition of blower motor and filter
- Thermostat type
- Sufficient ductwork, cold air intake, vents, flues and chimneys
- Quality and efficiency of humidifier
- Air conditioner and its components
- Appliances tested and recall check done utilizing, www.recallchek.com
- Condition of laundry facility and dryer vent
Fireplaces/Wood Stoves
- Condition and style of fireplace
- Vents, flues and chimneys
- Hearth and façade
***For an official fireplace inspection the consumer must contact WET Inspection for certification of wood burning fireplaces.
***All inspections have limitations as described in your inspection contract. This is an observation/visual inspection limited in scope by natural and structural conditions.