Owner Home Inspection

Owner Home Inspection

We want to help current owners with their Maintenance, Repairs, Renovations or Upgrades by performing a Maintenance or Pre-Renovation Home Inspection.

Maintenance Home Inspection
A maintenance home inspection discovers issues before they develop into costly problems. This is important to allow property owners to be aware of and prepared for future expenses. We can, for example, estimate the life expectancy of your roof, heating & cooling system, etc. An unbiased recommendation for repairs/upgrades is provided to increase the comfort/enjoyment of your home while reducing your heating/cooling costs. We can provide you with maintenance tips, and answer questions in order to give you a better understanding of your home.

Pre-Renovation Home Inspection
Finding out what you don’t know before you start, can reduce the chance of renovation headaches. We will give you objective information in our comprehensive report that will help you to create a better renovation design plan, and alert you to any structural, heating, plumbing, electrical, or any other important issues. We can recommend various strategies that educates you on where and what to build to increase comfort, reduce maintenance costs, and make your house more energy efficient. We will advise you in an unbiased manner as we do not benefit or profit from our recommendations in any manner.

Need a Certified Professional Affordable Home Inspection?

Call Dennis Begin – (403) 803-1596
or email: